There is a children’s book about a little boy who gets a pair of white shoes, then they get stained all of these different colors, and he keeps singing about them. The authors of the book came to my school earlier this year and performed the song/book for our students. I was going to try to find the song to share, but I can’t find it anywhere.

At any rate, I do like my white shoes.
Picture 141
They are asics GT-2140’s. I have to say that I’ve been a loyal asics wearer since just after high school. I have tried other brands in the store, but never made it out of the store with them if there were also asics available. I once owned a pair of new balance shoes, and at one point just after high school I had a pair of adidas. Both were OK, but I would leave it at that. I guess I’m just incredibly loyal to a brand that has always been good for me.

I just bought this particular pair this afternoon and immediately had to rush downstairs to the treadmill when I got home. The slight bit of pain that I’ve had in my foot was completely gone wearing these. These shoes are AWESOME!!! I did start out my run with some knee pain, but it was gone by about 2 minutes in, so I’m guessing it wasn’t anything major. Hopefully?

  • Time: 30:18
  • Avg HR: 153
  • Max HR: 180
  • Calories: 347

I decided to switch my run up for today, just for variety’s sake. Today I did a 5 minute warm up and cool down, and the rest of the time I alternated running 5 minutes and walking 2.5. It was tough, but I made it a little bit tougher by deciding that I was going to push through the last minute, rather than just coasting. Right as I was at my most tired, I was going to try to power through to the walk break.

I had intentions of doing the Jillian Michaels DVD, but I’m going to skip it for now. Possibly I’ll go back down after dinner for some more punishment, but most likely I’ll just call it quits for the day. I still have to run to the store to get the stuff to grill out tomorrow. Nate is wanting to do burgers on the grill, so I have to go get some veggie burgers, something for him, some veggies for veggie kabobs (I have squash and tomatoes, but I don’t have anything else.. I want mushrooms and zucchini. Maybe even eggplant.), and the toppings for the burgers. I’d also like to get some soy yogurt, but I don’t really want to go to Publix, and that seems to be the only place in the area that carries it.

I don’t know if I’ve said anything about this or not, but I’ve realized that since I started consuming less dairy, my allergies are virtually non-existant. I’ve switched to almond milk, soy yogurt, and soy cheese. Normally, this time of year I’m on both Clarinex and Nasonex, and have been in at least once (sometimes more) for a sinus infection despite the two medicines. This year, I’ve not been to the doctor for any of the above. I don’t have a prescription from this year at all, and my sinuses are perfectly clear. I was so skeptical all of the times I heard something about dairy, but it’s made a world of difference for me.

I think I’m going to run to Publix, whether I want to or not, and then decide when I get back whether to do the DVD or not. I love 3 day weekends.